Commercial Push for Climate Protection

18 April 2018
Full speed ahead for climate protection.

With the commercial push for climate protection, the trade sector demonstrates that it is aware of its responsibility in society as a whole and takes its contribution to the national climate protection goal very seriously.

On April 17, 2018, the HDE, a key German trade association for retail, started a commercial push for climate protection alongside the think tank adelphi. As you can read on our corporate website,

METRO wants to drastically reduce its climate-relevant emissions. Our aim is to bring about a 50% reduction in specific emissions of greenhouse gases per m² of sales floor by 2030. The level of emissions in 2011 forms the baseline. At all stores belonging to the new METRO, we invest in energy efficiency, use energy sparingly, and increase our employees' energy awareness. This commitment pays off. In 2016, for example, METRO opened a green wholesale store in Dongguan, China. Modernisation made it possible to halve the store’s energy consumption. Since September 2017 we take it even one step further in St Pölten, Austria with the first zero energy wholesale store. The 9,000 m2 photovoltaic system on the roof of the building produces around 1,100 MW of solar power per year, making METRO St Pölten self-sufficient in energy. Surplus solar energy is even made available at METRO charging stations to Top-Card customers at no cost for their electric vehicles.

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Nullenergiemarkt St. Pölten