Ever Heard of Spheres of Influence?

27 July 2022
METRO Position Paper on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

On February 23, 2022, the European Commission published a draft directive to expand human rights and environmental due diligence requirements in the supply chain – the so-called Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD).

As an international company with subsidiaries in more than 30 countries, 17 million customers and more than 95,000 employees worldwide, METRO is not only under the scope on the proposed directive, but also deeply impacted. With operations across the globe, METRO highly welcomes the EU Commission’s move to establish a block-wide framework for securing sustainable supply chains in businesses.

However, the CSDD falls short of its core policy objectives in terms of harmonisation and creating a level playing field and fails to ensure that responsibilities are shared across the value chain.
In this position paper, we explain what should be considered by EU stakeholders.

This means we first look at: How do retail supply chains work? Secondly, we explain why we see different spheres of influence in globalised value chains. Finally, a call for action – we must protect the Single Market at all costs.

METRO Chef Canned Tomatoes

METRO Position Paper Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
METRO Position Paper Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive